The core idea of “bem estar bem” – four principles that drive internal and external interactions at Natura

The core idea of “bem estar bem”

Four principles that drive internal and external interactions at Natura

Natura innovation workshop by GIM Institute Brazil

Brazilian personal care and cosmetics company Natura & Co is among the most innovative companies worldwide, such as Google Inc. and Apple Inc. In a recently published article “Innovation in Well-Being—the Creation of Sustainable Value at Natura”, Luciana Hashiba (Manager for Partnerships and Technological Innovation at Natura & Co) reveals what are key factors that made Natura & Co a global innovation leader.

We understand innovation as a process that should cross permeate all our activities. It is at the core of our value creation and is expressed not only in our products, but also in our commercial model, management system and the relations we establish with our stakeholders and society as a whole. This dedication led us to be elected the 8th most innovative Company in the world by Forbes Magazine, in a survey published in July 2011. The only Brazilian Company ranked among the 50 most innovative companies, Natura was placed close to global icons in innovation such as Apple (5th place) and Google (7th place).   From the beginning, Natura has had a distinct and deeply-felt sense of purpose. We exist to create and sell products and services that promote Well Being/Being Well. Well Being is the harmonious, pleasant relationship that one has with oneself and one’s body. Being Well is the empathetic, successful, and gratifying relationship of a person with others, with nature of which they are part, and with the whole.   For most companies, profit is the salient goal. At Natura, our pursuit is greater well-being for all. The goal is to cultivate healthy, transparent, positive relationships—between the company and its stakeholders, between those individual stakeholders, between individuals and the whole. Everything is interdependent. We do everything we can as a company to behave accordingly.   The core idea of “bem estar bem” translates into four principles that guide our internal and external interactions:

1. Humanism:

Cultivate relationships and value them. Respect and stimulate human and individualism; this enriches diversity and contributes to society;

2. Balance:

Inspire harmony and the natural dynamic of mankind.

3. Transparency:

Conduct business in an open manner without ambiguity and discrimination. Seek quality. Recognize imperfections. Share questions and answers.

4.  Creativity:

Dare to innovate. Pursue innovative relations with spirit, determination and passion, with the goal of continuous improvement, intuition, sensibility and knowledge.”

Full article:


Natura & Co is one of the innovative companies that have applied GIM Institute innovation management methodology to run certain innovation activities.

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