Top 10 Innovation Bloggers

In a world where thousands of amazing innovations are discovered every day, we need guidance to understand how these innovations can be used or to discern what impact they will have in practice. We may not be familiar with all these new developments, but our lives are already affected — one way or another — by business innovation every single day.

Innovation bloggers and influencers are people who have established credibility in a specific industry or subject matter. These are the people who have access to a large audience and can shape public perception on various matters concerning innovation: from forming opinions about the shape of the future to inspiring members of their audience to become game-changing innovators themselves.

The Global Innovation Management Institute has selected the Top 10 Innovation Bloggers from a pool of hundreds of innovation influencers. While the individuals on this list are not necessarily the most followed innovation bloggers at the moment, the collective “global footprint” of this Top 10 list will give you a birds-eye view on innovation activities around the world, as well as help you to understand how innovation takes place within many disciplines and among many economic sectors.

Furthermore, these bloggers will help you to develop a comprehensive understanding on the state of innovation in other important dimensions. You will learn more about what role innovation is playing in regions covering the globe, how innovation affects local and global politics, and what value it adds in solving social and economic challenges.

Leveraging new innovations requires in-depth analysis, speedy assessment, strategic thinking and some trusted guidance. This list of Top 10 Innovation Bloggers could be your starting point. Find and follow these innovation experts! And if you have any recommendations on who else should be in this list, please comment below or send us an email at


– Bill Fischer 
– Kate O’Keeffe
– Paul Hobcraft
– Paul Sloane
– Teresa M. Amabile
– Thamy Pogrebinschi
– Tim Kastelle
– Tom Jackson
– Tomasz Tunguz
– Sauvik Banerjjee

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