Top 10 Women Innovators
Woman and innovation may have been considered oxymoronic by most people up until the late twentieth century. The majority of the most famous inventors and discoverers turn out to be men – in large part because women have often been denied the education and opportunity required to make similar achievements. Thanks to slow but appreciable […]
Top 10 Innovation Conferences
Innovation Conferences are the fastest way to understand what is out there: who is the industry leader, which thought leadership is worth following, who are the potential partners and competitors. The Innovation Conferences prompt about the latest trends and help us build the network of the most important connections. There are hundreds of Innovation Conferences […]
Top 10 Innovations in Transportation
Our ability to get from one place to another, nearby or distant, nowadays is taken for granted. The evolution of transportation is marked with adversities, some of which led to fascinating inventions (a wheel must be the most famous one). Over the centuries, modes of transportation were increasing in levels of complexity and efficiency in […]
Top 10 Companies The Market Is Rewarding For Their Unique Innovations
Market pressures can drive companies to innovate, but corporate innovation can also drive market value. One of the biggest drivers in how the market rewards companies and drives their stock prices higher is how well they can sustain innovation and invest in that innovation. Across industries, as companies successfully innovate, valuations tend to move higher. […]
Top 10 Social Innovations

Happiness only increases by being shared. Researches have shown, that by our very nature, giving makes us far happier than receiving. Social innovation is a brilliant way to use one’s creativity and strategic thinking to tackle the most challenging world’s problems. Social innovation is the creation of new ideas that address social problems by reconceiving the […]
Top 10 Innovations In The Automotive Industry
Automotive industry includes all companies and activities involved in the manufacture of motor vehicles, including most components, such as engines and bodies. For a few years in a row automotive industry strikes in rankings as one of the most innovative industries. It brings up a lot fascinating innovations almost every day. By 2035, around the […]