Meet our coaches

Hitendra Patel

GIMI coaches are experts in various areas and industries, read below to get to know one of our coaches:

Dr. Hitendra Patel is the Managing Director of the IXL Center and Chair of the Innovation and Growth Program at the Hult International Business School. He has coached new emerging leaders and managers of new and fast growth businesses.

Hitendra was a senior leader and co-founder of Monitor Group’s Innovation Practice and was responsible for Asia and Latin America. Prior to Monitor, he was a senior manager at Arthur D. Little. As a management consultant, he has made lasting impact with all types of companies by helping them identify new engines for growth and develop their own capacity to innovate.

Hitendra has also helped and published articles at the national and region level on the topic of economic development in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Singapore, US and the UK.

Prior to consulting, Hitendra worked at Motorola in the portable energy space and is the owner of six patents. He is also a founder of various venture-backed companies.

Hitendra is the co-author of 101 Innovation Breakthroughs, The State of Innovation at the Firm Level in Singapore, and Greenovate, Companies Innovating to Create a More Sustainable World. His most recent book, Connectivate! was published on May 2012. It talks about how companies have innovated in a more connected world to become Always Available. He is now working on his fifth book—Thinking and Acting Differently to Make Innovation Real.

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University
Masters of Business Administration, Kellogg School of Management
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Washington University

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