GIMI with the DGEP co-founded the Global Council of Innovative Organizations

The Global Council of Innovative Organisations (GCIO) is a network of organizations that drives innovation leadership in cities and organizations around the world. Co-founded by the Dubai Government Excellence Program (DGEP) and the Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI).

Co-founded by the Dubai Government Excellence Program (DGEP) and the Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI) in 2021, the Global Council for Innovative Organisations (GCIO) was established to pursue knowledge sharing and exchange innovation best practices around the world. This will lead to openness, collaboration, and co-creation between some of the most innovative entities. 

The DGEP and GIMI believe there is untapped potential in innovation ecosystems around the world, where there are many public and private organizations that have highly relevant success stories to share. In an environment of elevated disruption and rising demands of both citizens and customers, innovation in isolation is no longer an option.

The Council drives global innovation by clearly defining and executing its main objectives:

  • Share global best practices: Innovation leaders from around the world exchange best practices to inspire collaboration that helps to drive growth in their respective cities in their unique and different ways
  • Thought leadership: Global research and data will drive cutting edge research around the emerging key issues of society and solutions to mitigate these challenges
  • Develop city innovation rankings: The Council drives excellence in cities through the identification of elements that contribute to an overall index that defines the most innovative cities in the world

It is based on three key components:

  1. Global membership: The Council is comprised of leading entities from various cities around the world driving innovation in their respective local governments
  2. Powerful Mandate & Charter: The Council’s mission is to empower entities to develop high-performing innovation systems in local governments that are responsive to the changing issues and needs of society
  3. Launch in Dubai 2021: The Council hosted its inaugural Innovation Summit in Dubai 2021 to celebrate its global launch and excite other innovative entities or entity representatives to join

The Council’s mission is to empower entities to develop high-performing innovation systems in local governments that are responsive to the changing issues and needs of society.

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