An 8-week online masterclass that will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to innovate successfully.

Next cohort

March 21th, 2024


CIP Program Overview

GIMI’s innovation experts designed the Certified Innovation Professional program for individuals who are seeking up-to-date innovation knowledge and standards while mastering the tools and methodologies they’ll use in their organizations innovation initiatives.

The certification program has two levels:

  1. Level 1 Associate: Learn the fundamentals of innovation, the tools you’ll need to successfully develop quality innovation ideas, and the skills you’ll need to achieve meaningful innovation results.

  2. Level 2 Master: Master the skills and tools you learned in Level 1 by applying them to solve a real-world issue or challenge and generate new innovation opportunities for a partner organization.


Deeper understanding of innovation

Better grasp of diverging and converging tools

Confidence to repeat the innovation process

Ability to work in ambiguity and uncertainty

Access to a global network of innovation leaders

Who should apply?

If you’re looking to master business innovation while being guided by global innovation experts, the CIP program is a perfect fit for you.

C-Level Executives


Innovation Managers

CIP Program Structure

Level 1. Associate

Learn the fundamentals of innovation, the tools you’ll need to successfully develop quality innovation ideas, and the skills you’ll need to achieve meaningful innovation results.

Weeks 1 – 4 Modules 

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn what business innovation is
  • Understand the fundamental innovation tools and techniques
  • Get in the right innovation mindset for success

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn tried and tested innovation methodologies
  • Define an organization’s innovation challenge
  • Set the right innovation intent for success

Learning outcomes:

  • Generate new idea fragments from multiple sources
  • Determine the trends that could impact your business 
  • Look at internal and external networks for new ideas

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify new areas for your organization to play in
  • Prioritize high growth opportunity Fields of Play (FOPs)
  • Develop FOPs into actionable and compelling opportunities

Learning outcomes:

  • Generate new business concepts
  • Make opportunities actionable through sequencing
  • Conducting initial due diligence for new opportunities

Learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the innovation knowledge, tools and methodologies covered.

Level 2. Professional

Master the skills and tools you learned in Level 1 by applying them to solve a real-world issue or challenge and generate new innovation opportunities for a partner organization.

Weeks 5 – 8 Work in Teams

Project Development:

  • Build a high-performing team
  • Define your innovation challenge
  • Get a senior sponsor

Project Development:

  • Implement concepts of the innovation process to your project
  • Access mentoring from innovation experts to accelerate results
  • Show and Tell advancements for every week

Final Submission:

  • Document the 5-stage innovation process of your project
  • Build a Business Case and pitch for a prioritized idea
  • Present the Business Case and seek GIMI project approval

Take your CIP experience to the next level with the International Association of Innovation Professionals

By taking CIP you can apply to CIP Advanced for a special package deal. CIP Advanced is a 6-week program designed to determine if you have the knowledge to understand the science of innovation, to function as a knowledgeable professional in the practice of innovation, and to support the innovation efforts of senior professionals by mentoring/consulting on how to take ideas to commercialization.

Main Instructor: Brett Trusko

Contact Us

Our advisers are ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Guest Instructors

Why Get Certified With GIMI?

GIMI is a global nonprofit professional organization driving standards for innovation management that leverage a range of core frameworks and competencies. We teach the next generation of innovators how to successfully discover innovation breakthroughs, accelerate results and build a new set of professional skills. Our mission is to help individuals, companies and regions develop world-class innovation and innovation management capabilities.


You will be able to:

  • Advance your career and stand out
  • Increase your value to your organization
  • Access GIMI’s global innovation ecosystem and best practices
  • Network and share experiences with other innovation professionals

GIMI has certified more than 20,000 innovation professionals, including a number employed by Fortune 500 companies.


Group of 2
Group of 3-5
Group of 2
Group of 3-5
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