Why Is It Important To Certify A Professional In Innovation?

By: Vera Oliveira Santos

Head of Innovation at WINNING Scientific Management

The concept of innovation has already been applied in Portugal with the competence. The next step is to acknowledge capabilities that allow to ‘make it happen’ in a disciplined way and with measurable results

Innovation has become a buzzword in the speeches of world leading companies and, in recent years, we have also seen big Portuguese entities integrating it into their corporate strategies and in what they believe to be their core values. In fact, an organization without innovation stagnates and risks to sunk, as we all know.

It is important to understand why many companies that even have innovation-oriented structures do not achieve the expected results. At this point, we can refer the “moderate innovator” profile of Portugal in the 2015 Innovation Union Scoreboard. Year after year, we realize that Portugal has the conditions, resources and processes to make innovation happen, but does not achieve the expected results.

Nowadays, where every company may face the competition of new entrants that threaten to steal them market share, not achieving good results cannot be a possible outcome. To innovate means to create and capture value in a differentiated way. It means to accomplish something that the market recognizes as being very valuable and to position the company ahead of competition. It means to improve internally to foster efficiency, productivity and gain competitiveness. It means to make it happen!

In order to do so, there are professionals who have continuously tried to make innovation meaningful inside their organization. Some have been heard by their top management while others have not been so lucky. Either way, they are not giving up on making innovation a goal for organizations because they are aware that it is an essential premise for the survival of companies.

Moreover, to make it happen companies must implement structured and proven processes. Processes that are tested and have already led to the growth of many organizations. Processes as the IMBOK framework – Innovation Management Body of Knowledge of the Global Innovation Management Institute (GIMI) – which not only help to make it happen but also allow the recognition of professionals with these competencies through certification.

Recognizing the value of the GIMI framework and its certification process, WINNING Scientific Management formalized a partnership with GIMI, becoming one of the leading European Certified Training Providers that offer the possibility to take the preparation course for the Innovation certification.

The course, which is already in its 2ndEdition, is designed for the detailed application of exercises with templates, problem solving, where different techniques are put into practice to allow the increased likelihood of success in the implementation of an innovation strategy. This is a program that will allow companies from most varied sectors with an opportunity to capacitate their employees so that, in their daily lives, they are able to apply internationally recognized tools and methodologies that allow them, in a faster way, to identify and leverage ideas with potential and transform them into successful solutions in the market.

WINNING has brought this program to Portugal because we want to provide professionals who already work in innovation all over the country, a work tool used globally and also the recognition across borders deserved by professionals who work in this area, being able to provide them with new career projections.

This professionalization is fundamental so that employees can contribute with more value to the competitiveness of their organizations. Therefore, it must be seen as a win-win investment, for the professional as for the organization that invests on the professional.

The 2ndEdition of the Preparation Course for Certified Innovation Management (Level 1) will take place in Lisbon, on March 22, 23 and 24.

About WINNING Scientific Management:

WINNING Scientific Management was founded in 2012 and nowadays has more than 100 consultants. WINNING operates in 5 different countries in Europe and has clients from different sectors, Banking, Insurance, Retail, IT Systems, Logistics, Public Administration, Energy and more.

WINNING’s mission is to act scientifically in our clients to change their business model creating permanent competitive advantages – “We Reinvent Your Business Model”. Taking the scientific methodology into account WINNING several competency centers – Strategic Management, Innovation Management, Benefits Management, Business Analysis, Project Management, Change Management, Data Science – accredited by the best practices and international entities. More…

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